Live a Secure Life: Emsisoft Anti-Malware


While looking for a decent security application for a laptop, I came across Emsisoft Anti-Malware. I have been testing it as my main security solution for several months. I will admit that up till now I have used a sometimes controversial leading consumer product but here is why I switched to Emsisoft Anti-Malware instead.

Emsisoft uses dual scanning engines – its own sophisticated engine as well as the engine of Bidefender – giving it a amazing Advantage. Emsisoft in their own words,

“We believe two engines are better than one, and we use our own technology to detect threats to your computer that might otherwise be missed. But we won’t compromise efficiency in this process — Emsisoft works to keep your memory clean and uncluttered, and to detect threats at optimal speeds”

The program is very light weight, but powerful. It lacks the bloat of most other products. Most malware companies today included needless bells and whistles, like browser reputation extensions that often do not function, due to poor programming, or lack of interest by the company to up keep such extensions. Emsisoft focuses on one, job keeping you safe, and it does it well

Simple Clean interface
Unlike most products, Emsisoft has a wonderful, simple and effective interface, while most other security programs have cluttered interfaces.


A example of the beautiful interface

Amazing Detection

In October 2016 Emsisoft scored 100% in AV-TEST’s Product Review and Certification Report – Sep-Oct/2016 for Protection against 0-day malware attacks, inclusive of web and e-mail threats (Real-World Testing) (while the industry leader scored 98% 100 is better then 98!


Many Layers

Emsisoft has many layers of protection, which, to be honest goes over even my head! Its behavior blocker at its core is second to none. I think for this part i will just let there amazing promotional video explain.

To see the behavior blocker portion of Emsisoft in action and just how good it is, check out Emsisoft employee Leo test out a old version of “EAM” from 7 years ago some modern malware and see how it does!


You can try full version of Emsisoft Anti-Malware for 30 days free of charge. No registration is needed. Just visit Emsisoft’s website or click the image below and download your trial version today!

All artwork  and video published in this blog  is the intellectual property of Emsisoft.

Edited by: Aseroth Tenabris(pen name)