the power of a haunting voice


The thing anyone should know about this blog is that although this is in fact a official fan community for Raleigh Holmes it is unique in that;the website is owned and operated by a family friend(myself) and a select few of staff members so more often then not you will get official news but sometimes personal reflections and events this is the first in a series of what i call past blasts in this one a reflect on how I know Raleigh as well as the first song that truly made me a fan.

Raleigh  has the richest  clearest most haunting  vocals  of any artist I personally have heard to date i have gotten to know Raleigh through her Dad Robert and first heard her years before in her step mother Jane Jensen’s pc adventure game Gray Matter and from that day I was hooked not only is she multi talented but shes a really fresh and much needed voice in today’s music landscape here is the song that  for  me truly reached into my soul