World Broadcasting Corporation Breaking News! Hadrian’s Founder Assassinated


With only weeks remaining to the foundational ceremony of the newly formed country of Hadrian, its foremost founder, Gaylynne Stuttgart was discovered dead in her hotel room in Geneva, Switzerland. Gaylynne Stuttgart, having arrived in Geneva three days before her murder, was here finalizing world banking connections with her new nation. The President of Switzerland, Florian Treichler, expresses his most profound sorrow and condemns the terrorist act as heinous and cowardly.
According to local authorities, this crime was motivated by politics and hate. Written on the hotel walls, in what is believed to be Gaylynne’s blood, were the anti-gay slurs, Die Dyke, God hates Fags, and KILL the LGBT AGENDA!
Forensic police stated that Gaylynne Stuttgart had been tortured and raped before being decapitated. Evidence shows Gaylynne Stuttgart was still alive when they began cutting off her head. Inside her mouth, a penis and testicle were found. It is unclear whose genitals these were as no other body was found at the scene of the crime. The officer at the scene informed the media that questions like this would only be answered in the forensic lab.
Both violent and hateful, this crime has not only shocked the world but sends shivers of confusion regarding the founding of this new nation. Will they still be able to bring the country of Hadrian together after such a loss?

As with all excerpts posted, I am not attempting to provide the novel in its final order. Much of what I have posted is close to the beginning, but that is only because these scenes have been written. As we get deeper into the posted excerpts the scenes will jumping around in the same manner as my mid works while I am creating.